(Em)powering an inner confidence in teenage girls to own their future

You Are was founded in October 2012 and established as The You Are Charitable Trust in 2014.

​At the center of the You Are vision is the belief that God sees amazing potential in each one of us. His word (the Bible) says that each one of us is created for a purpose, that we are loved, that we are important and that we are precious. Our vision is to see girls redefine how they see themselves and to help them discover their unique beauty on both the inside and outside. We want to help them find confidence and to teach them keys and strategies to help find the better version of themselves.

​Conferences include workshops that will help the girls to be equipped and empowered to navigate their way through insecurities, friendships, the 'social media' world, challenges and help them to identify their strengths. The girls will hear stories from young women who will share ways in which they have overcome challenges and found their confidence, purpose, and fun. The conference includes lots of fun stuff to give the girls opportunities to relax, talk and meet new friends. The girls will work with mentors who will encourage them, challenge them and remind them of their potential.