Facing Your Fears: Flash Mob!

Do you ever find yourself holding back because of fear? Afraid to take a chance, step out of your comfort zone and try something new? It's natural to feel scared, but the truth is, when we face our fears, we grow.

Ten years ago, at the YOU ARE: For Teenage Girls conference, a group of 105 girls and women faced their fears and participated in a flash mob. They stepped out of their comfort zones and showed the world what they were capable of. The flash mob was a fun and unforgettable experience, and it all started with one person, Vanessa Gatman, who took a personal step of courage to show the girls that if they were brave enough to accept the challenge, so was she.

That flash mob was a reminder that we can do anything we set our minds to, and that the only thing holding us back is often our own fear. So, let's take a page out of their book and embrace our courage. Let's be brave and face our fears, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones. Because when we do, we might just surprise ourselves with what we're capable of.


The Impact of You Are


This is ME!